Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mojo Monday...on Tuesday!

Not only am I posting my "Mojo Monday" entry on Tuesday...but I'm posting it a week late. See...my Mom was right...I am always a day late and a dollar short! :-) A new sketch is posted here every Monday and I really like their samples. To see this week's sketch (which I haven't done yet) you can visit the blog HERE.

This was the sketch for last week's challenge:

And this card was my 'take' on the challenge:

Overall, I am happy with it. The only thing I don't like is the brown I used for the moose antlers and the teddy bear. It's too 'reddish'. But it's ok...card is still cute.

Well, 15 minutes before I need to be out the door and I'm still sitting here with wet hair and no makeup. Guess I best go and get ready (unless I want to scare my coworkers!) Have a great day!


1 comment:

Nana Diana said...

Your card is so cute, I love the colours you used and the dp. Also the embossing and great use of the layout!! I love Riley too, he's so cute!!
Kraftin'Kimmie's Mom