Thursday, May 20, 2010


Well, nothing has changed...but not my computer recognizes the camera's USB port. So I guess that means I will share pictures. LOL.

First off...this is my quilt top after this past weekend's quilting retreat. I'm not sure if it's done or not. I was going to add a border because the sides are still just a little shy of completly covering the boxspring and going down to where the wood is. And in this bed the boxspring sits all the way down to the bottom of the sidebar piece of wood. But this isn't the bed it's going to 'live on' longterm. So I may wait and audition it on the new bed once I get it and then decide about the border.

And next up is a better picture of the long nose snake I caught with my son's assistance. He was released back outside yesterday.

Today is the last day of school here. Yikes! I'm dreading the summer...and the kids are looking forward to it. I give them about 3 days before they are totally bickering amongst themselves. Too much of each other is not a good thing. LOL.

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