Thursday, June 7, 2007

Just some ramblings...

No card today. But I did start getting emails for the design team! Apparently she sends out sketches of the upcoming sets and asks for input from the design team. So we get to help design the sets themselves and then make things with them afterwards. That's pretty cool.

Today I worked literally ALL day (8 full hours) trying to get my SQR program to work. It wouldn't even compile and had to be something weird because the logic is sound. I asked my boss to come over and look at it and he got it to compile (by something as simple as adding []'s around the table name)...but it still only produces a blank report. And, after looking at it, my boss determined that he doesn't want it done in an SQR. So tomorrow I go back to the drawing board I guess. Can someone tell me why I became a computer programmer again? Oh yeah, because my BROTHER told me to (and he is now out of the field and says he'll never go back into it!) I love the feeling of accomplishment when something finally works right...but it's a heck of a lot of frustration to get to that point. Some days I wish I had a job where you felt like you completed multiple tasks each day. Oh well, tomorrow is another day...and it's a FRIDAY! Yay!

I joined a card swap on SCS ( for "quirky sayings". Basically anything goes...but none of the standard sayings. Humor and sarcasm is encouraged. So I'll probably work on a couple designs for those this weekend. Got a stamp from Viva Las Vegas Stamps ( that I'll have to use.

Have a great evening everybody!


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