Nope...not me! In general I hate crowds - they make me crazy. So I try my best to avoid shopping on Black Friday. I went last year with my sisters-in-law and it was ok to be out with other people...but certainly not worth doing just to do it and save a few bucks!
So...hmmm...if I HAD gone out shopping, what might my purchases have been? Some sort of digital photo frame for my mother-in-law, nerf guns for my boys (the longshot version on sale at Kohls at 50% off), and if I had mucho dinero??? A kitchenaid mixer for me!
I don't know why I suddenly got THAT urge but I've got it. But they are pricey (even for the "cheaper" versions) and I don't know enough about them to know what I "need". We (both dh and I...but mostly dh) makes homemade bread and pizza dough, I make double batches of cookie dough, I make homemade noodles (by hand right now but it'd be nice if a mixer could handle it), etc. So I know I want a version that is powerful enough to handle that...but don't know really what "wattage" that translates to. KWIM? My Mom bought us a mixer and I've had it for over 10 years (can't remember when we got it exactly...seems like I've ALWAYS had it...but know that we haven't...). It's starting to smell hot at times so I wonder how much longer it will last. I was surprised (while looking at Reviews on the Artisan version of the KitchenAid mixers) with how many folks had had problems with them...I've always heard so many good things...maybe it's this "version" in particular?
Well, I guess you REALLY came here to see artwork...not to listen to me babble. So, without further's another card I made recently.

This card features a House Mouse image (not sure the name of it...received the image in a swap). The greeting is from my new set from Clear Dollar Stamps. It is colored in with chalks (my favorite medium for the HM images).
Have a wonderful weekend!